As you all are aware, our country is faced with trying and stressful times. This is uncharted territory for our country, our government, and our people. Fear, anxiety, panic, desperation and sadness are all emotions we've experienced over the past couple of weeks. The goal of this post is not to push telehealth, it is not to push CDC guidelines, it is not to push my business on anyone. The goal of this post is simply to offer some coping strategies and hope throughout this time.
It is so very important that we take care of ourselves right now. I encourage all of you to take 5-10 minutes each day to sit with yourself and breathe in the calm and exhale the anxiety. I know what it feels like to have anxiety eating you up on the inside while trying to remain calm and collected on the outside. While this is a noble way of handling anxiety, it isn't always effective. So take some time to really sit with your fears and worries, breathing deeply, and visualizing yourself letting go of your anxiety as you exhale.
One aspect of anxiety that we all must acknowledge is that it's about control. We want to be in control, we want to know what is going to happen and when it is going to happen. As you are all becoming aware, this situation we are living in right now with COVID-19 does not allow for much control. We cannot control how long we will be out of work, we cannot control what the government decides to do in response, we cannot control other people, and we cannot control how long this process will take. All we can control is how we handle this trying time and do our part in adherence with guidelines. We can control our spending during this time, we can control our attitudes during this time, and we can control self-care during this time. I know this makes it sound like we have a lot of control, yet none of it offers much reassurance. That is because the thing we wish to control most is out of our control. COVID-19 is here and we must deal with it accordingly. One of the things I've found when dealing with anxiety is to think logically and rationally. Be honest with ourselves about the truth and be compassionate with ourselves as we cope.
Financial stress is one of the top sources of stress for us humans and that's not including when we have a contagious virus to contend with. I am not immune to this stress and have felt it rolling over me like waves as all of these changes in our country are taking place. I wish there was an easy answer to this stress, but unfortunately, it is a cross many of us will have to bear over the coming weeks. I encourage everyone to be smart with their budgets and with their resources. Minimize usage of resources like heating and air in order to cut down on costs. I don't mean give it up altogether, but if you normally live in an icebox, maybe bump that thermostat up a bit! Plan meals that can last your family for more than one meal and be cognizant of wastefulness. These are all suggestions that can help us control our finances in the only way we are able to at this time.
In response to depression, I urge you to reach out to your therapist or someone you trust during this time. Many counselors are opening doors for telecommunication in order to be available for those in need. Depression thrives on stress, isolation and worry. While we quarantine and socially distance ourselves in order to decrease the spread of COVID-19, we are likely to see an increase in depression. Please reach out to those friends and family members that you know struggle with Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Anxiety and other mental illnesses. We may have to isolate ourselves from in-person contact, but we don't have to isolate ourselves from phone calls and texts! Check ON those you love and check IN with those who love you.
I'm going to finish by saying that we are ALL in this together. We are all one race. We are the HUMAN race. Please look out for your fellow man, be kind and patient with our leaders as they work to come up with plans, and be smart in all your endeavors. I believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that we will prevail and we will be stronger because of this. These are early days, but we must hold onto our hope as we move forward.
I wish you all health and safety in the coming weeks!